
BOP Pricing

Wine: $59.95 (Less Applicable Discounts)

Beer & Cider: $44.95 (Less Applicable Discounts)

All BOP includes Free Shrinks, Corks, and Labels (Does not include Bottles) Bottles for sale if necessary

5 Key Reasons to use our Brew-On-Premise service:

  1. Cost

  2. Space

  3. Time

  4. Work & Safety

  5. Consistency

1. Cost

Using our Brew-On-Premise service only adds a couple of dollars per batch of wine.  A batch of wine consists of 23 litres (30 - 750ml bottles). This service also includes no-charge shrinks, corks and labels so you end up with professional looking bottles of wine every time.  Labels can also be customized giving you a personalized look exclusive to only you.

Price of BOP: Wine - $59.95

Price of BOP: Beer & Cider - $44.95

2. Space

Using our Brew-On-Premise service means that the only space you need is the space required to store your wine after it is bottled and you take it home.  No cluttering up a room with fermenting pails, carboys and other equipment. There is also no need to worry about keeping a brewing room at a certain temperature during the brewing process.

3. Time

Life seems to get busier and busier all the time and a lot of our customers tell us they simply don’t have the time, energy, or space to brew at home any more. With BOP, total actual time it takes a customer to brew, bottle, cork, and label a batch of 30 bottles of wine using our commercial equipment is roughly 1/2 hour.  No babysitting of your wine while it is brewing is required. We take care of it for  you.

4. Work & Safety

We’ve already gone over how much time you can save using our  Brew-On-Premise service.  If you are saving time, that also means there is less work for you to do to make a batch of wine

An average glass carboy full of wine will weigh about 30 kgs or 65 lbs. Full carboys can be very awkward to move around.  If you drop it, you will lose all your wine, break your carboy, and potentially seriously injure yourself. Using our BOP service, you remove all that risk.  It just makes sense.

5. Consistency

At Berries & Barley, we truly believe Cleanliness is next to Godliness.  Because of that belief, we take cleanliness to the next level. You can be guaranteed that every batch of wine, beer, or cider that we brew for you is done with sterilized containers and equipment. This ensures that every batch is going to be consistent and taste like it was meant to every time.

Thank you for stopping by. You stay classy Sherwood Park…

Turning Water Into Wine….

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